Sign Of The Apocalypse #2,789 - Facebook Fighting With Your Unborn Child
You know what’s great about the internet? Sometimes you may be having a bad day, feeling a little down on yourself, maybe a little tired/hungover and then you stumble on something like this and you can’t help but say to yourself “You know life isn’t that bad, at least I’m not having an argument with my unborn fetus on facebook”. Kind of puts shit into perspective.
Power move by Brad refusing to argue with his unborn daughter. That’s how you let your kid know who calls the shots from a real young age.
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stephen Dancey, Bad mother fucker.. Bad mother fucker. said: RT @TheHotGlove: Sign Of The Apocalypse #2,789 - Facebook Fighting With Your Unborn Child…<—- damn hilarious!! [...]