Ohio Man Teaching At Risk Children Says Taking Off His Pants Is Just Part Of The Lesson Plan
(Source) NORTON: A Norton attorney who founded a coffeehouse that caters to troubled teens faces charges that he exposed himself to two 19-year-old men on Friday.
Norton police say they were called to Cafe 41:11, near Norton High School, after the two men called dispatchers to complain that Thomas Walkley took off his pants while counseling them.
Walkley said Monday that exposing himself is part of a mentoring program he has developed to help in his work to assist ”at-risk boys.”
Walkley, 52, is to be arraigned in Barberton Municipal Court on Wednesday on two misdemeanor counts of public indecency.
Norton resident Xavier Sworniowski said he and a friend met with Walkley around 2 p.m. Friday at Cafe 41:11 to see whether they could perform some court-ordered community service there.
What the fuck is everyone crying about? You heard Thomas Walkley, taking off his pants in front of teenagers is part of the lesson plan. What don’t people get? Its not like he’s just taking off his pants because he’s some pervert. He’s teaching. You don’t like whats on the syllabus then don’t take the class. Its kind of like in college when I walked into some random Psych class and the teacher told everyone that she was grading on a bell curve and a bunch of people were going to get C’s even if they put in A effort. Do you know what I did? I stood up right then and there and walked the fuck out. This is the same exact thing, except its an old dude’s penis instead of a bell curve.
So those are your options. Either drop the class or stop complaining because the the minute you walk into Thomas Walkley’s coffee house its time to get your learn on and stare at some strange dick.
is that randy’s dad?
That guy isn’t creepy at all
Not a class I want to take