Alright I Give Up, I Wish I Were Russian

Alright, I get it. Enough is enough. Russians are badass. Putin is the man. Swinging from towers on homemade bungy cords is fun. Just stop the bleeding already. I mean did this guy even flinch for one second? Its like he eats shovels to the head for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Didn’t even get out of his seat. And then when all is said and done his friend sits right back down at the table to drink some vodka and play some Russian roulette. You want to talk about a good time? That right there my friends is a good fucking time.


I guess I shouldn’t be that ashamed. At least America is the most financially stable country in the world.


2 comments - Latest by:

  • I see they have great video cameras too

    - Anonymous
  • holy shit you see that WENCH in the foreground?? my god…

    if that’s not reason enough to stay on this side of the iron curtain I don’t know what is

    - willkav

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Pic Of The Day

Wait Till You See Where He Hid His Nuts

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You Know The Bulls Are Good Again When People Are Fighting In The Stands

How old is that chick? Honestly, she looks like she’s 10. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised though, typical Lakers fan, getting her ass beat  by a 10 year old girl.


How about that bald guy just taking it all on. Guy didn’t even flinch. Like get out of my way girls I’m trying to check out the Luvabulls.


2 comments - Latest by:

  • How about that guy sitting behind Mike Tyson’s daughter just completely unfazed trying to watch Boozer dunk all over Gasol’s grill? I love this guy’s dedication.

    - Danimal
  • Yeah you’d think that guy would at least stand up, not like they are fighting in his lap or anything

    - Davey

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Hulk Hogan’s Wedding Turns Into Brawl, Are You Surprised?

Clearwater, FL, United States (CNS) - Hulk Hogan’s wedding was like a recreation of his wrestling career. The 57-year-old wrestler married girlfriend Jennifer McDaniel in a ceremony that required cops for intervention Tuesday evening.

Hulk – real name Terry Bollea – was about to exchange I Do’s with Jennifer when a scuffle broke out. TMZ sources claim that a photographer was trying to take pictures of the pro wrestler and his bride-to-be during the ceremony in their backyard, which happens to be on the beach.

But when a family employee told the paparazzo to leave, a brawl broke out. This was when Hulk and Jennifer were saying their vows.

The cops were called, but since no one wanted to press charges, no one got arrested and the couple were able to say their I Do’s.

This is the second marriage for Hulk. He was first married to Linda from 1983 to 2007

First of all, Hulk must not have known I moved this past summer. Thats really the only explanation for not getting a wedding invitation, which is cool, mistakes happen. Second, is anyone actually surprised a fight broke out at the Hulk’s wedding? Its the fucking Hulk. Of course there was a fight. I bet there was a cake and some pigs in a blanket too. Seriously, I would be thoroughly disappointed if something didn’t go down at Hulk’s wedding. Guy is a showman through and through.


Who has a wedding on a Tuesday night? Oh that’s right Hulk Hogan does.I bet Tuesday is the new Saturday within the next 6 months. That’s how trendsetters work, they decide when the weekend starts.


Does anyone else think his new wife looks WAY too much like his daughter? That’s gotta be awkward when people point that out.


5 comments - Latest by:

  • I think Hulk may have a thing for blondes with big boobs, but thats just a guess

    - Anonymous
  • I bet it was Bret Hart, that guy always starts trouble

    - Dirty Dog
  • Hulk Hogan's Wedding Turns Into Brawl, Are You Surprised? | The ……

    Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……

    - World Spinner
  • Brooke looks really excited about her new step mom. Speaking of, haven’t heard anything from her since “About Us” featuring Paul Wall. Hope she is doing well.

    - Jake
  • Dear Anonymous,

    What you call an “awkward conversation topic” we in the biz call “establishing plausible deniability.

    Dr. David Epstein

    - El Capiflán

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Crazy Footage Of Guy Taking Florida School Board Hostage

PANAMA CITY, Fla. – A 56-year-old ex-convict calmly held a school board at gunpoint and said he was seeking redress for his wife’s firing before shooting at the superintendent at short range and then killing himself.
No bullets struck the superintendent, Bill Husfelt, who credited God for his escape late Tuesday. The gunman, Clay A. Duke, apparantly created a Facebook page last week that refers to class warfare and is laced with images from the movie “V for Vendetta,” in which a mysterious figure battles a totalitarian government.

Before the shooting started, the only woman on the five-member board — who had left the room as ordered — came back, sneaked up behind Duke and whacked his gun arm with her large, brown purse.
“In my mind, that was the last attempt or opportunity to divert him,” Ginger Littleton said.

Fucking Ginger Littleton man, what a hero. I love that lady. Just disarming gunmen in super slow mo with her purse. I mean talk about balls. Lady had zero shot to be successful there, zero. But did that stop her? Fuck no. When the shit hits the fan and an ex-con takes the school board hostage its go time for Ginger Littleton. Balls to the Wall all day everyday.


Is there a better name than Ginger Littleton? Just an average middle class mom, running bake sales and taking down crazies.


I love the school board’s reaction. It was like they were talking to a dog pissing on the rug, not a woman trying to disarm a gunman. Like come on Ginger, I thought we’ve been over this, stop trying to hit guns out of people’s hands with your purse. It NEVER works.

Triple PS

Not to get all political but I’m pretty sure this is the exact reason why handguns should be illegal.


2 comments - Latest by:

  • Her sneak in was flawless

    - Kev
  • Crazy Footage Of Guy Taking Florida School Board Hostage | The Hot ……

    Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……

    - World Spinner

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Contest Time!

12 you funny kid Contest Time!

So, I’m not going to lie, I think all of you readers out there are WAY too quiet and honestly not bringing enough to the table. What’s up with this 0 comments per post nonsense?!? Honestly.

Here’s the deal- I’m creating a contest: basically, all you have to do is write witty comments. We’ll pick the best comment from each post during the day and announce it each night. THEN, over the weekend the winners get put into a randomizer and BAM! we’ve got ourselves a weekly champion. All you have to do is be clever… It doesn’t even have to relate to the post.

Prizes are TBD but they won’t be less than a t-shirt.

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What Not To Do When Handed A Turkey Caller On Live Television

Yeah THG may be slow as shit today but at least I didn’t fellate a turkey gobbler in front of millions of people, so I got that going for me, which is nice.


How horny was that turkey gobbling nerd on the right? Put your boner away dude. Women hate desperation and nothing is more desperate than putting on your best purple sweater for your turkey gobbling debut on QVC.


How is this video a month old and I had never seen it? I thought I had the turkey gobbling accidental blow job video niche completely covered, weird.

Thanks to meatman for the tip


3 comments - Latest by:

  • Talk about a milf, wow

    - Anonymous
  • Stay classy San Diego!

    - kb
  • Dear Fat Cat,

    I would like for your impressive powers of guesstimation to feature prominently in my upcoming meeting with TBS programming executives.

    Llámame cabrón,
    George Lopez

    - El Capiflán

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I Know The Hot Glove Has Been Slow As Shit Today…

But don’t worry guys, I have my tech guy working on it so it should be fixed soon, and by tech guy I mean that I just googled “why is my website slow?” and I’m pretty sure I just downloaded a virus, fuck.

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Illinois Bus Driver Loses Job For Ramming Through Snowman That Was In The Middle Of The Road, Wait What?

(source) A bus driver in Champaign-Urbana has quit after officials with the transit agency saw an online video of the driver running over a snowman in the middle of a street.

The video is posted on YouTube. It shows the bus veering toward the snowman on the University of Illinois campus and running over it.
The video was posted after a snowstorm earlier this month and shows only one other vehicle on the street at the time. That car steered around the snowman moments before the bus hit it. It isn’t clear who built the snowman or shot the video.

Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District spokeswoman Jan Kijowski said the driver has resigned. She refused to identify the driver or discuss the resignation

What planet am I on right now? Honestly is this real life? Is this guy really losing his job because he took out a snowman that was in the middle of the street? What the Fuck. I’m embarrassed to live in the state of Illinois and be an American. You think this shit would happen in Russia? Fuck no, those assholes are probably taking snowmen out with grenade launchers right this second. You know why? Because that sounds fucking awesome.

So seriously, whats the story here? Was there a little kid inside the snowman, like Dwight from the office? That had to be it, because where I come from snowmen are meant to be built and then immediately destroyed by the first person that calls dibs. Its kind of like pumpkins. Pumpkins are meant to be carved and then meant to be smashed, everyone knows that. That’s what our forefathers fought so hard for back in 1776, the right to smash things whenever the fuck we want.


Did a bunch of college kids really create this thing and then sit there and film it? Way to really take advantage of your golden years guys. Fuck partying and hooking up, these guys want to build snowmen and then go play some red rover in the park.

Fucking Illinois man, they’re like the Big Ten’s loser brother that we always have to vouch for. Grow up Illini, its not enough that we have to deal with this legends and leaders bullshit, now we have to make up excuses for our little brother because he hasn’t found his dick yet? Tough week indeed.


3 comments - Latest by:

  • I guess you could say it was unsafe for swerving but wasn’t he making it MORE safe by taking away that snowman. Total bullshit

    - Anonymous
  • HAHAHA, this story is ridiculous.

    - JR
  • Bus driver resigns after running over snowman…

    METRO REPORTER - 14th December, 2010 A video posted on YouTube shows the bus veering toward the snowman outside the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, USA.A automobile carefully steers around the snowman moments before……


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When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong

Ummm, yeah, might want to pump the brakes on that one guy. Take a few plays off, maybe pick up a playboy or go to youporn, let those feet take a breather. You don’t want to be known as the guy that masturbates to his own feet, thats never a good look.


The internet, Seeing things you can never unsee since 1995.

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