Well that certainly wasn’t how the Cavs had drawn it up. Their early exit leaves the Lebron-sweepstakes WIDE open and now we’ll all have to listen to Skip Bayless and Woody Paige talk their balls blue about Lebron for the next 2 months.
All I really care about is whether he is coming to Chicago or not and if we assume Lebron cares most about winning then the Bulls are the absolute no-brainer. After playing with inferior teammates for his entire career Lebron now has the chance to play with a top 5 point guard and solid supporting cast if he comes to Chicago. Add that with the sign and trade potential (Deng or Hinrich) and getting to pick a coach, and Lebron could be looking at contending for a title every single year for the next decade. No more of this dancing around and winning the most games in the regular season bullshit. In Chicago, he would be legitimately contending year in and year out.
Now what I don’t understand is why so many people in this city are so opposed to Lebron coming here. Like all I hear on the radio is blowhards calling in saying they don’t want him. What the fuck is that all about? Dude is still the best player in the league and its not even close. And I get the whole MJ thing, that its his city and Lebron needs to find his own, but does anyone really think Lebron will be the next Michael Jordan anymore? Would Michael Jordan have played like that in Game 5? Fuck no. Lebron is an exceptional player and a physical freak, but he doesnt want to win like Michael, which means he never will win like Michael. There will never ever be another Michael Jordan, that’s just a fact, so anyone who is concerned about Lebron coming into Michael’s city and stealing his thunder is a moron.
If anything this whole free agency will tell us everything we ever needed to know about Lebron and what he values the most. Money and notoriety, he goes to New York. Loyalty and family, he stays in Cleveland. Winning championships, he’ll be a Bull come July 8th.
Now let the endless Lebron talk begin. Its going to be so bad you’ll be begging for Brett Favre come mid-july.
Yeah you’d think that guy would at least stand up, not like they are fighting in his lap or anything
- Davey
How about that guy sitting behind Mike Tyson’s daughter just completely unfazed trying to watch Boozer dunk all over Gasol’s grill? I love this guy’s dedication.
- Danimal