Check Out Baby Rambo

I’m not really into babies and all that jazz. Like most people see a baby and flip the fuck out, not me, I’m more into myself and sports.

But if more babies acted like Rambo baby here then I may just have to change my opinion. I mean having a mini-rambo crawling around my house all day would be pretty fucking cool. As long as that was all he did. No crying or acting like a baby. Sorry baby, if you don’t like the rules you can hit the road.

2 comments - Latest by:

  • I agree with fat bastard, that’s dad of the year right there

    - Anonymous
  • 1) Dad of the year goes to that guy.

    2) catch that wink at :48? kid killing hundreds of people yet still has time for some flash for the ladies.

    - fat bastard

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How Not To Get Your Car Out Of The Ice

I could say how this is such a typical woman driver and obviously she crashed into a house because that’s what women drivers do, they crash, and more specifically crash into houses. Then I could go on and on about how a male driver would have never smashed a house let alone gotten stuck in the first place because men know how to drive and women don’t, etc. etc.

But I’m not going to say those things because I’m extremely mature and the definition of a class act.

3 comments - Latest by:

  • It’s good to see some chivalrous individuals here at the glove.

    - G
  • Seriously, why the hell is this guy filming his house getting hit? Nice youtube bud, now you have a hole in your house

    - Dirty Dog
  • whos really the bigger idiot? all could have been avoided had they helped instead of filmed.. whats wrong with people these days?

    - Anonymous

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Hey Guys, Remember To Always Respect And Obey Authority

At first I was wondering what the fuck was going on here. Respect Authority? Who the fuck does that? That sounds like the worse thing possible especially if you’re a little kid. And then they dropped the J bomb at (:52) and it allll made sense.


Are they just playing unplugged Rock Band instruments? And did I just see that kid taking out the garbage at 3:37?  Nevermind these kids are Rock Gods.


I’m pretty sure if you had to explain Rock and Roll to an alien you could just show them this video and be like yeah its the exact opposite of this.

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  • [...] Hey Guys, Remember To Always Respect And Obey Authority | The Hot Glove [...]

    - What your Acne is Telling You | Aprender Sobre Acne
  • Yep miserable, not even singing the words or trying.

    plus 3:39, maybe the smallest trash bin ever, or that kid is actually 7′

    - AJ
  • The youngest kid looks miserable

    - T-Train

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Worst Christmas Present Ever!

Amen brother. I feel you on this one. Books for christmas? What the fuck? Who gives books for christmas? Even the weird aunt that always gets shitty presents doesnt give books. I mean what are you even supposed to do with a book?


I’m 99% sure this is exactly why China is going to own our ass within 20 years but I don’t give a fuck. We aren’t a nerd country, we don’t read books, we do awesome shit like wear one piece jammers and play with toys.

Fucking books, these parents should be ashamed.

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  • Love this kids face at :38, he knows where the real presents are, those books were just a cruel cruel joke

    - Anonymous

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Its Saturday, Lets Get Weird

I need a horn jumpsuit and I need one now.


Whats with the bassist? Would it kill the guy to smile once and a while? Its called showmanship dude, take a lesson from horn guy, he’s got it coming out of his eyeballs.

2 comments - Latest by:

  • They have a most impressive collection of gnomes!

    - Anonymous
  • You could easily put one of those together. Just get yourself an old mechanics jumpsuit, some horns, use video as a model for horn installation purposes, and BAM! horn jumpsuit. The trickier part will be finding three buddies to back you up wearing lederhosen.

    - Hambone

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I Told You Pugs Were Weird

Hey idiot, its a fucking TV, that other pug isn’t really there.

Fucking pugs, not only are they weird but they’re dumb as bricks too.


Videotaping yourself playing video games while your pug freaks out at the TV screen. Pretty sure that’s Rock Bottom.

2 comments - Latest by:

  • Good luck ever reading the ticker since Spuds just destroyed the bottom right section of your TV. How about yelling at your dog for destroying the TV? Good job, now go have some kids.

    - AJ
  • Definitely the owner….

    - Meatman

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Russian Guy Jumping Over A Car, This Should Be Fun

When ever I jump over a car going 30 mph I always like to make sure I do it in the best possible environment. You know, snow, ice, slippery footing etc. I find it gives me the best possible chance to smash my face into the windshield and crack my skull.


Quite the week for the Ruskies. Those commie bastards have been dropping straight fire all week. Hats off to them.


Any surprise this guy walked it off? Fucking russians man, guy gets his teeth knocked out by a car and is still good to go drink a Pint of vodka and hit the sauna later that night.

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  • That’s straight up fucking Gangsta, right there… I’m pretty sure his friends are calling him a pussy for staying on all fours for so long and about to bash him a couple times with some shovels for ruining a perfectly good windshield…

    - Shamalama Ding Dong

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This Old Guy Is Quite Possibly The Greatest Dancer Of All Time

Hump, Hump, Lawnmower, Hump, Hump, Repeat. You want to know the key to dancing well you just found out because as this guy just showed you its not all about the flashy moves, and technichal difficulty. Dancing is about finding the 1 move that makes all the girl’s horny and then hammering the shit out of it for as long as possible. Eventually they’ll just give in. I know it, this old man knows it, and every babe in the stadium knows it.

Fact - An 80 year old air humping for 2 and a half minutes brings ALL the girls to the yard.


Assuming they’re not the exact same guy - Air Humper vs Hedonism Rick, who ya got?

4 comments - Latest by:

  • Either way I need to go change my underwear.

    - Kitty Wu
  • I would vote for hedo just on the hedo experience

    - Biffy
  • I’m offended you would even consider this guy to be on hedonism rick’s playing field.

    - Dirty Dog
  • No comment.

    - Hambone

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Mike Tolbert Is A Man’s Man

He’s also a fucking moron but hey, rather balls than brains right?

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  • Play to the whistle

    - Anonymous

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Are Pug Owners The Weirdest People On The Face Of The Planet

They have to be right? Like if you gave me the option to hang out with a serial killer or a pug owner for a day I’m going serial killer every time. Yeah Buffalo Bill may murder me and wear my skin as a suit while he puts his finger in his butt and listens to creepy music but then again maybe he is feeling nice that day and decides he’s too tired for murder.

No such luck with pug owners though, those people are weird all day everyday. That’s why they own pugs, so they have someone to do weird shit with 24/7 like dancing to “Your the pug that I want” in a creepy unfinished basement. No thanks.

3 comments - Latest by:

  • As an owner of two pugs, I can say that you are right about the weirdness . . . though it has nothing to do with the dogs.

    - Meatman
  • Just burned a hole through my retina

    - fat bastard
  • Whoa whoa whoa, there is nothing weird about this video. You calling it weird makes you weirder than a pug.

    - TB

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